That's right. I'm over 60,000. At one time, 60,000 seemed like an insurmountable number. It was my Moby Dick, my completion of the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred program, but I got past it, and I was positively elated!
I am so close to my goal of 70,000 that I can almost reach out and feel it with my fingertips. When I hit 60 last week, I looked at my book for the longest time, and didn't know how I would be able to expand the story any more, but I soon told my mind to shut up, because I knew that faith trumps any human emotion, and I got inspired. I know I can carry this story through to my goal.
This past Saturday morning, thankfully before it got beastly hot, dear husband and I took a trip to the historic Nashville City Cemetery. It had always been on my list, but I had never gotten myself there. It was so helpful to be surrounded by all of that history, all of that collected time.
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