Wednesday, January 19, 2011


It's a rainy cold day here in Nashville. I work in a lovely building, but I do not love the caulking around the 1895 windows on days like this. The window in my area must be at least 14 feet high, and original, which means that it is extremely drafty. I have a space heater, a shawl, and a lap blanket, but I'm still cold!

My first job was in a building on 2nd Avenue. It was from the early 1900s as well. I used to walk up Banker's Alley to the Arcade on my lunch breaks. I would pass by this building every time, and look up at the lovely brickwork and beautifully detailed bay windows. I told myself someday, I would like to work in that building....and now I do!

I've work in modern building and skyscrapers, but it was so very boring. No charm whatsoever could be found amongst the fabric covered cubicles and drywall. I am so thankful I work in a building that still surprises me every now and then.

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